
Mastering Muay Thai pt1Mastering Muay Thai Seminar | Part One

On Saturday 28th June 2014 Masters Academy Plymouth will be holding a Muay Thai Kickboxing seminar.

The seminar will be taught by SWFC Champion Louis Aitken, who has just returned from a seven month trip to Thailand.

This seminar will introduce the basic concepts of Muay Thai Kickboxing and Louis will teaching some of the techniques he learned while training at world famous Thaiboxing gyms like Tiger Muay Thai, and Masters Toddy’s.

The seminar is only £25 (£20 for Gold / Black Academy Members) and will run from 2.00 – 5.00pm.

If you are looking to improve your Muay Thai Kickboxing skills then this seminar is a must for you.

You can register for the seminar at the Academy reception from today (05/06/14) and space is limited.

Here is a video of Louis training at the famous Kaewsamrit Thai Boxing Gym, in Bangkok, Thailand

For more information on our Muay Thai Kickboxing classes and a FREE trial call 01752 262233 or visit https://martialartsplymouth.co.uk/muay-thai-kickboxing/