Introduction to Sparring Seminar | 9th August 2014 Sparring is one of the most enjoyable aspects of martial arts training. However, many people do not understand how to spar effectively and safely. They wrongly think sparring is the same as fighting. This could not be further from truth. We define sparring as the “technical application...
3 Major Benefits & Misconceptions of Sparring Sparring is one of the most enjoyable aspects of martial arts training. This article covers the 3 major benefits of sparring and clears up several misconceptions about sparring, including; who should spar and how hard you should spar. Firstly, let’s look at exactly what sparring is. At Masters...
On Saturday 21st April 2012 from 12.00 – 1.30pm we are running a Junior Sparring Master Class. Sparring is one of the most enjoyable aspects of martial arts training. Like any part of martial arts training students need to be taught how to spar safely and effectively. The seminar will teach our Junior Students; Safety...